Unveiling the Impact of Trauma Porn (Part 1): Nurturing Resilience Amidst Stress and Trauma


In session with Nkem Ndefo

In today's fast-paced world, stress and trauma have become common companions for many individuals. It is crucial to understand our stress states and develop self-awareness to effectively navigate these challenges. Simultaneously, as stressors grow for us, the concept of trauma-informed approaches gains popularity, but it's important to recognize that simply discussing trauma does not make us truly trauma-informed.

1. Acknowledging Stress and Self-Awareness:

Understanding our stress levels and recognizing our internal state is the first step toward effective stress management. By asking ourselves questions like, "What is my stress state right now?" and "How do I know?" we gain valuable insights into our mental, emotional, and physical cues. This self-awareness empowers us to determine if our stress levels are useful or if we are carrying more than we need.

2. Unpacking Trauma-Informed Approaches:

While the concept of trauma-informed approaches has gained traction, it is essential to grasp its true meaning and implementation. Being trauma-informed goes beyond merely discussing trauma; it involves recognizing the capacity for recovery, preventing re-traumatization, and incorporating specific principles into our policies, procedures, and practices. These principles include safety, trustworthiness, collaboration, peer support, voice choice, self-agency, and cultural humility.

3. Understanding Trauma:

Trauma encompasses experiences and conditions that overwhelm us, such as events or the circumstances of our lives. It can result from various factors like poverty, racism, or oppressive systems. Importantly, trauma is not solely defined by external events but also by our perception of those events. It overwhelms our usual coping mechanisms and has a profound impact on our well-being.

4. Trauma Porn and its Pitfalls:

"Trauma porn" refers to the damaging practice of retelling trauma stories without the presence of new resources. It can take different forms, such as exploiting trauma for arousal or fostering trauma bonding. Engaging in trauma porn often leads to re-experiencing the overwhelming emotions associated with trauma without any new means of support or healing. It is akin to repeating the drowning experience without knowing how to swim.

5. Embracing Healing and Utilizing New Resources:

To break free from the cycles of trauma porn, healing and new resources are paramount. Healing involves more than just telling our stories; it necessitates learning how to swim, metaphorically speaking. By cultivating internal and external resources, individuals can navigate trauma in a way that promotes growth, resilience, and well-being.

Moving Forward with New Priorities

Navigating stress and trauma requires self-awareness, trauma-informed approaches, and a critical examination of the damaging effects of trauma porn. By prioritizing healing and acquiring new resources, individuals can embark on a journey of recovery and resilience. Let us move beyond the allure of trauma porn and foster a supportive environment that truly supports healing and growth in the face of adversity.

*This information came from Nkem Ndefo’s session, “Resisting the Seduction of Trauma Porn,” at The Embody Lab’s Somatic Trauma Healing Summit in June 2023. Members of The Embody Lab can access Nkem’s session through the On-Demand Content Library. Not a member? Click HERE to sign up for a 14-day free trial membership. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more educational content!

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Unveiling the Impact of Trauma Porn (Part 2): The Power of Narrative and the Dangers of Exploitation


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